Enjoying life on purpose

Posts tagged ‘silk’

Catkins, shoots, buds and debutantes

First day of the UK Spring and the signs are all around! 

Like 50’s debutantes appearing for the first event of the season, fresh green shoots have made a shy but excited appearance amongst the winter leaf mould and bare twigs.

Leaf buds step out elegantly. Soon they will be ready to twirl and unfurl their green bias cut skirts.

Maybe there will be a splash of lemony green slubbed silk, like these young nettle shoots here, appliqued to a background of sage velvet.

Or perhaps, a bold, bright green full of depth like the older primeval mosses and lichens which have freshened up and emerged ready to chaperone the newer arrivals.

Willowy new shoots strut their style with heads held high.

Swaying in the melody on the breeze, confident their hot pink hue will attract an invitation to dance.

Their season is short as their taffeta glory will soon mellow to brown dappled tweed.

Enter right – last season’s debs take the stage. Their pendulous earrings sashay gently with grace and charm suspended from mature branches above the remnants of winter’s floor.

The wind will take them onwards with time and they will multiply.

White and lemon broiderie anglaise makes a come back this season for the young debs.

Others prefer a simple but sophisticated look………..

……while the latecomer reeds are still bathing in spring waters, sure in the knowledge that a fashionably late entrance  always draws a crowd!

Enjoy Spring this year!